

It is expected that all children will adhere to the regulation uniform.  Uniforms give the child sense of belonging to the school community, a feeling of pride in themselves and their school, and assists greatly in setting the tone and discipline of the school. It also identifies our school in the wider community. The wearing of the school uniform will be enforced in the school. Parents’ assistance in this matter is most important.

The school uniform shop is located next to the tuckshop in the St Edward’s Centre. It stocks new and second-hand uniforms. Sports uniforms are usually worn two days per week and the day uniform is worn on the remaining three days. Parents will be advised each term which days children are required to wear the sports uniform.

© BCE, St Edwards School, 2025  ​​

Girls' Day Uniform   ​


Blue & White Check Presentation Day Uniform and/or

Shirt Unisex Jack Shirt
Shorts Girls' Day Shorts
Hat Blue School Hat
Shoes Black leather lace-up school shoes (or completely black Lynx style shoes – NOT 'boot' style, Volleys or Vans)
Socks Short white socks – no anklets
Winter Options Fleecy V-neck Jumper 
Microfibre Zippered Jacket
Microfibre Track Pants
Boys' Day Uniform 
Shirt Unisex Jack Shirt
Shorts Boys' Day Shorts
Hat Blue School Hat
Shoes Black leather lace-up school shoes (or completely black Lynx style shoes – NOT 'boot' style, Volleys or Vans)
Socks Short white socks – no anklets
Winter Options Fleecy V-neck Jumper 
Microfibre Zippered Jacket
Microfibre Track Pants

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​© BCE, St Edwards School, 2017​​

Girls and Boys' Sports Uniform
Shirt Unisex Sports Polo Shirt
Shorts Unisex Sports Shorts
Hat Blue School Hat
Shoes White ankle length socks – no anklets
Socks Black leather lace-up school shoes (or completely black sneaker shoes – NOT 'boot' style)


Uniform Guidelines
  • Jewellery is not to be worn with the school uniform, with the exception of watches and one only plain stud sleeper (in each ear) for pierced lobes.
  • Nail polish is not to be worn with the school uniform.
  • Long hair is to be tied back with the appropriate ties.
  • Hats are to be worn during all outdoor activities.

The full correct uniform is to be worn at all times, unless a note from the parents has been received and the principal has supported this request.
